Comet Africano

Comet Africano (C/2018 W2) is a hyperbolic comet originating from XXX and was the brightest observable comet around October 2019. It passed perihelion on 5 September 2019 and closest to Earth on 27 September 2019, at a distance of 74 million kilometres. At maximum magnitude around 8.5, it was not observable with the naked eye.

It was discovered almost at the same time by astronomers B. M. Africano and H. Groeller on 27 November 2018.

Below is a time-lapse video made of 100 individual frames that covers a period of 1h40min.

Data and processing: Goran Petrov

Location: Petralica, Rankovce, Macedonia
Dates: 2019-09-30
Total integration time: 5.5 hours

Information about individual frames:

Camera 1: ATIK One 9.0, cooled to -15C
Telescope 1: Takahashi FSQ 106 ED refractor
L filter: 100 frames x 1 min

Processed in PixInsight.